Misc gallery


This is the area I will put stuff that doesn't really belong to any particular big project. 2D and 3D work aswell as analogue artwork, see it as my personal online sketchbook.


Some concepts

many aliens 01.many aliens 02


Some more recent photoshop stuff/concepts etc.

birth of giants.fire in the sky.gravity pulls me.keep me warm

old place.shattered fragments.stars within us.the blue rim

hope and death.flesh eater.old dragon.crazy kitten

meat oak.angry dragon.decay dragon.vanilla dragon

dropship 1.dropship 2.Exo mele robot


Different renders, mostly Luxology Modo stuff.

Chanel Allure.Aco soap.Nivea Q10.Solidicon Pos Terminal

Zbrush monster.Zbrush Demon.Cold Morning.Boss Elements

Chanel Allure.Ikea Coffe Cups.Ikea Coffe Cups Variation tests.Old Ericsson DT120 Dect Phone


Some 2D "analogue" art and concepts

alien face.alien thing.attacking alien.command strider

command strider 2.command strider 3.command strider 4.eve 1

eve 2.flamer.idf tank concept.landscape 1

landscape 2.landscape 3.mech gunner.mini mech

relaxing alien.robot skiss 1.robot skiss 2.robot skiss 3

robot skiss 4.robot skiss 5.t 800.tank transporter 1

tank transporter 2.vehicle skiss 1.vehicle skiss 2.vehicle skiss 3

vehicle skiss 4.vehicle skiss 5